Yuen with his Sifu, Wayne Belonoha, and Sigung, Sunny Tang.

About the Instructor

Yuen Ly

My journey into martial arts commenced like a classic tale – fueled by youth and kung fu films. While exploring a bookstore with some friends I was drawn to the first volume of Wing Chun Compendium, which unknowingly marked the inception of my Kung Fu journey.

Soon after, I joined the local Wing Chun school near where I lived. Unbeknownst to me at the time, the Instructor was the author of the very book that I had randomly picked up only a few months before. This was the start of my 15+ year journey in Wing Chun (Ving Tsun) kung fu under my Sifu, Wayne Belonoha.

Through this unique experience, I have established valuable relationships with the wider kung-fu family. Throughout my journey, I have had the privilege to meet, train alongside, and engage in conversations with dedicated martial artists hailing from diverse corners of the globe. These interactions have enriched my understanding of different styles and approaches, fostering a truly global perspective that I am eager to share through the club.

Kung fu became my passion, bestowing upon me not just martial prowess but also the tools to cultivate self-confidence and forge enduring relationships. Driven by this transformative experience, I’ve established the Calgary Martial Club – a platform to share my kung fu enthusiasm, inspire joy, and give back to the community. It’s my turn to ignite others’ passion for martial arts and guide them on their personal journey of growth.

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